Here is what past clients have had to say:

sw, building a sustainable plan for redistributing money

"I'm SO grateful for Sarah's support as my money coach during the past 2 years. I work for a tech company that went public in 2020; this IPO roughly doubled my net worth. I felt stressed, guilty, and even ashamed about my wealth, especially against the backdrop of a global pandemic and the protests for Black lives in summer 2020. I wanted to start redistributing money, but I felt unsure about how much money to move or how to build a habit of moving money toward organizations and individuals.

Sarah helped me build a sustainable plan for redistributing money. During our first several months of working together, Sarah helped me identify the amount of money that I wanted to move, several categories that I wanted to use to guide my redistribution (for example: trans justice, prison abolition), and organizations and individuals that I wanted to support. Each meeting, she helped me define a bit more of my plan. During each meeting with Sarah, I have felt seen and supported. She has held me accountable while also being kind and patient. Her kindness and patience has also helped me be kinder and more patient toward myself and toward friends and family who are on their own wealth redistribution journeys.

I feel so proud of how far my wealth redistribution and my feelings about wealth have come since I started working with Sarah. If you want to start or increase your own wealth redistribution, I recommend setting up an intro call with Sarah. Even if you're thinking "I don't need a money coach - I can figure it out on my own", I still recommend setting up a (free) intro call! People with class/wealth privilege are often conditioned to not talk about money and breaking that silence can be hard. Sarah helped me to break my silence. I'm excited to confidently continue to move money in ways that (I hope) will help lead to liberation. Also, if helpful for others to know: I am a white, transmasculine person with class and wealth privilege. I am also: (currently) non-disabled, thin, and a U.S. citizen."

Abraham, Stepping into new power

"When I hired Sarah to support me in my philanthropic work, I felt disillusioned and listless about my giving. I felt like I had lost touch with the joy that my giving had brought me in the past. Working with Sarah helped me get up off the ground and start walking again, with milestones to help guide me. I felt seen and respected by her, and challenged to step into my full power as someone who has disposable income and a desire for justice.

Today, I have transformed my giving plan, stepped more boldly into difficult conversations with my family about our giving, and am embarking on a new phase of my life as a donor. Without Sarah, this wouldn't be possible!"

Danielle W., creating a vision for the kind of world i want to see

"Having Sarah as my giving coach has been transformative for my relationship to money and my ability to use my wealth privilege to stand for the kind of world I want to create. I'm moving more money than I could've imagined, and definitely could not have done it on my own. Sarah is always supportive no matter where I'm at, even in times when I'm stuck or overwhelmed. Starting by creating a vision for the kind of world I want to see, and then moving money toward funding that vision is an amazing feeling. I feel more in integrity with the kind of person and activist that I want to be."

Johnny, Getting un-stuck:

“When I started working with Sarah I had been stuck for years trying to make concrete plans for my giving and writing a will. Meeting in a small group really got me moving. Sarah asked great questions to explore these financial and personal issues on so many levels. She actively coached our small group so we could share our hardest questions and stuck places, feel mutually seen and supported, give and receive feedback from our experiences of our similar challenges, and have accountability to get our homework done before each meeting. I was able to clarify my giving and finally get my will written and signed. What a huge relief! Sarah created a rare space for us to do our individual work while cheering each other on the whole way.”


"Sarah helped me move from fear and overwhelm into action!

She provided a clear, methodical process to create a wealth redistribution plan. When I got stuck she had experience to share or encouragement, but she also helped to keep me moving forward with accountability steps between sessions. I now feel like I have an articulated vision and plan that I can continue updating and evolving as my time with Sarah comes to a close.

While working together, my re-distributions increased by 500%!"

Johnny, Getting un-stuck:

“When I started working with Sarah I had been stuck for years trying to make concrete plans for my giving and writing a will. Meeting in a small group really got me moving. Sarah asked great questions to explore these financial and personal issues on so many levels. She actively coached our small group so we could share our hardest questions and stuck places, feel mutually seen and supported, give and receive feedback from our experiences of our similar challenges, and have accountability to get our homework done before each meeting. I was able to clarify my giving and finally get my will written and signed. What a huge relief! Sarah created a rare space for us to do our individual work while cheering each other on the whole way.”

Betsey, Personal growth and Healing

“When we first met Sarah, she asked me if I considered myself a “philanthropist” and I was stymied. I had signed on with Sarah to more intentionally and meaningfully move resources yet I could not connect that to my own growing identity as a person in action moving money to shift power for social justice in the world. 

By the end of our 6 months together I have come to consider myself not as a “philanthropist”, as that encompasses for me much of what I am trying to dismantle, but to see myself as a money mover and shaker. Moving and shaking the underpinnings of inequity structurally, economically and culturally and personally in my ways of being and most importantly funding.”

Ready to get started?

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